Ellen White and American Civil War

America faced the worst war between April 12, 1861 – May 9, 1865 resulting in the death of more than half a million people. Ellen White predicted the civil war and told about the severity of the war. source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Civil_War

Note the civil war happened as predicted by Ellen White when no one expected a civil war in America.

On Sabbath, the 12th of January, 1861, just three months to a day before the first gun was fired on Fort Sumter (which was really the opening of the war which resulted in the liberation of 4,000,000 African slaves in America), the Seventh-day Adventist meeting-house in Parkville, Mich., was dedicated.

The service was attended by Elder White and his wife, Elders Waggoner, Smith and the writer. At the close of the discourse by Elder White, Mrs. White gave a stirring exhortation, after which she took her seat in a chair. In this position she was taken off in vision. The house was crowded with people, and it was indeed a solemn place.

After coming out of the vision she arose, and looking about the house, said:-

” There is not a person in this house who has even dreamed of the trouble that is coming upon this land. People are making sport of the secession ordinance of South Carolina, but I have just been shown that a large number of States are going to join that State, and there will be a most terrible war.

In this vision I have seen large armies of both sides gathered on the field of battle. I heard the booming of the cannon, and saw the dead and dying on every hand. Then I saw them rushing up engaged in hand-to-hand fighting [bayoneting one another]. Then I saw the field after battle, all covered with the dead and dying. Then I was carried to prisons, and saw the sufferings of those in want, who were wasting away. Then I was taken to the homes of those who had lost husbands, sons, or brothers in the war. I saw their distress and anguish.”

Then looking slowly around the house she said, “There are those in this house who will lose sons in that war.”

As a confirmation of the above fact, and as proof that the prediction was made on the day stated, and as an illustration of how the congregation understood it and circulated it, the following testimony is given:-

” This certifies that I was living in St. Joseph County, Michigan, in January, 1861, about six miles from Parkville. I was not an Adventist. On the 12th day of that month a number of my neighbors went to Parkville to attend meetings. When they came home they told me that there was a woman at the meeting that was in a trance, and who said that there was a terrible war coming on the United States; that large armies were going to be raised on both sides, in the South as well as in the North, and there would be many who would suffer in prisons; and pinching want would be felt in many families in consequence of losing husbands, sons, and brothers in the war; and that there were men in the house who would lose sons in that war.” Signed, “Martha V. Ensign, Wild Flower, Fresno County, California, Jan. 30, 1891.”

As to the prediction concerning the men in the Parkville meeting-house losing sons in the war, I will simply state that in the autumn of 1883 I met the elder of the Parkville church, who was also the elder in January, l861, when the vision was given; and asked him if he remembered the expression made by Mrs. White in relating the vision concerning the war. “Yes,” said he, “I do.”

“Will you tell me how many you know who were in the house that day who lost sons in the war?”

He at once recalled the names of five, and said, “I know these were there, and that they lost sons in the war; and if I were at home, where I could talk with my people, I could give you more names. I think,” he continued, “there were five more, besides these that I have mentioned.”

Four years and more of persistent fighting on the part of the South, until nearly half of all the mustered forces were lost by death in battle or from sickness, shows a striking fulfillment of the above prediction.

On January 4, 1862 when she was home in Battle Creek. She was shown things in regard to the nation and the war. Testimonies, Volume 1, page 253 to 258 gives an account. “The North did not understand the bitter, dreadful hatred of the South towne them and were unprepared for their plots. . . The North have no idea of the strength of the accused system of slavery. It is this and this alone, which lies at the foundation of the war. The South have been nore and nore exacting. They consider it perfectly right to engagte in human traffic, to deal in claves and the souls of men. . . Said the angel: “Hear, O heavens, the cry of the oppressed, and reward the oppressors double according to their deeds. This nation will yet be humbled into the dust. . .”

As predicted the union won the war and the Confederates lost it.

About The Glad Tidings

A bible student who wants to publish the defense of what he believes based on the word of God which he believes forms the foundation of what he believes.
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