William Spicer

William Spicer was a young 20 year old student at Battle Creek College 1885. He was the personal secretary to Dr. Kellogg who had just written his book on pantheism.

It was circulated around the campus on the day that Ellen White was coming from the west coast to publicly Chastise Dr. Kellogg for his stand on pantheism. William Spicer, being an avid admirer of Dr. Kellogg, got together with seven other young students there at the college and they proposed eight questions with which they were going to interrupt the discourse given by Ellen White and confuse her.

She arrived that next week for the meeting which was to be held in the big Battle Creek Tabernacle. Needless to the say the place was packed. Just before Ellen White Came to the podium, these eight young students marched down the front aisle, sat in the front row and folded their arms. These questions they had were intelligent questions but they were meant to confuse and disrupt her lecture. At some time during her discourse, each one was going to stand and ask a question to throw her off. Ellen Came to the lectern and looked down at those eight young men and said “I am so glad you are here. God showed me last night that you had eight questions for me and here they are!”

She then went through the eight questions and said, “Now I will give you the answers to those questions.” She answered all eight questions and finished by saying, “Now I will begin my discourse.”

Those young men looked up at her and sat through that entire meeting without saying a word! Young William Spicer never, for the rest of his entire life, questioned Ellen White as a prophet of God. The story is now told by his daughter, Helen Spicer Minkle.

About The Glad Tidings

A bible student who wants to publish the defense of what he believes based on the word of God which he believes forms the foundation of what he believes.
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