Brother Falkhead

The following is a story about a man, Brother Falkhead, who lived in Australia. Ellen had a vision in December of 1891. She didn’t know what it meant and she never seen the person before she saw him in vision. She didn’t meet him until a year later in 1892. She went up to him and said, “You belong to a secret society; you belong to the Fraternal Order of Masons. You belong to the Masonic Lodge.”

With a startled look, he said, “Yes, how did you know that?”

“Not only that,” she replied. “You give large offerings to them and a small pittance to the church.” She related to him the conversations he had with other lodge members and she even told him where he sat in the secret meetings.

Then she made a gesture with her hand. Indignantly he said, “where did you learn that ?”

“The angels showed it to me, ” she answered.

He said, “That is the secret sign of the Masons!”

She made another gesture with her hands. She told him that the angels had shown her that also. He said, “That is the secret sign of the highest order of Masons”. There are only six men in all the continent of Australia who know that sign and I just learned it three days ago. There is not a woman on the face of the earth who knows that sign you just made!”.

Needless to say, he heeded her counsel because he was convinced he was dealing with a higher power.

In her letter Sister White wrote:

“I have to give some very personal testimonies. During the conference here last December, I had much burden and wrote out many things for individuals, but felt that the time had not come to present the matter to them. For one brother I have had a special burden. He is a keen, apt man, connected with our publishing house. Upon my return to Melbourne this time, one week ago last Tuesday, I read to Brother F[alkhead] that which I had written for him. It affected him deeply. He was glad I did not send it for him to read. “Your reading the reproof yourself,” he said,” “has touched my heart. The Spirit of the Lord has spoken to me through you, and I accept every word you have addressed specially to me; the general matter also is applicable to me; it all means me. That which you have written in regard to my connection with the Free Masons I accept. I belong to five lodges, and besides this I have the entire control of three. I have just taken the highest order in Free Masonry, but I shall sever my connection with them all. I will attend no more of their meetings. It will take me nine months to wind up my business relations with the three under my control.”
Our interview lasted four hours, and it was late at night when he left. He lives in Preston, ten miles from St. Kilda, and being too late for the train from North Fitzroy, he had to walk seven miles to his home. He said he had a good time to think, and he told Elder Daniells he did so much want to meet some of our brethren, that he might tell how free and happy he was after he had made this decision.

About The Glad Tidings

A bible student who wants to publish the defense of what he believes based on the word of God which he believes forms the foundation of what he believes.
This entry was posted in Prophecy by Ellen White, Stories of Ellen White. Bookmark the permalink.

4 Responses to Brother Falkhead

  1. Gideon Arthur says:

    Never head of this. There have been news circulating throughout www that sister white is a mason. This is an ultimate truth that she wasn’t. And about brother Falkhead, freemasonry is like addiction and difficult to break free. It is only through His power you can be set free.

  2. john123paul says:

    Brother Gideon

    That is why I added this story. People are spreading false rumours about Ellen White.

  3. Gideon Arthur says:

    I’ve heard that of William Miller too. I know that they are all false rumours but do not have the evidence to prove my points.

  4. Thelma Gomintong says:

    This blog is very helpful for the ultimate truth… People need to know.

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