My Testimony – Richard Daniel

From: Daniel, Richard M
Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2012 8:47 PM
To: L, Judith
Subject: RE: Son’s health

I was wondering, why Judith hasn’t responded to my email and here I send you such a warm and encouraging email.

My wife and my mother-in law suffers from chronic Sinus and I think this could be a genetic problem, however by God’s grace my second son is better in health generally.

I hope your eldest son is doing better now; I would love to see a few pictures of them.

I don’t know how I should explain this Judith. All my life, I was a professed Christian(Seventh-Day Adventist), however never followed what we believed from childhood. I was academically quite successful in my School days and even scored the highest in my 12th board exam and my name is engraved on the School honour roll and it’s the same school my children are studying. But personally/spiritually I was going through a havoc, which my parents, nor anyone could help. I used to be a very humorous person and people used to love being with me, but the cry of my soul couldn’t be heard by anyone nor did I know where or who to go to. I knew for sure that I couldn’t go on very long with that mountain like rock in my heart and that’s when my Dad was diagnosed of Cancer. The little strength that I had was gone. We tried operating him but was not successful; all we lost was money and time. My life still did not change, it was only getting worse. One day, when I was in office and I got a call from my brother and my brother told me that my father would die in the next 2 months. This was the first time, I realized who I truly was and that I had no power to stop death and was totally helpless. I am the eldest in my house, my mother is retired and brother had left his job to take care of my Dad and my wife was studying. Everyone looked upon me…what could I have done Judith? I went home that day without any hope, nothing to comfort them. Around the same time, a friend told me that I could take my Dad to a Roman Catholic Church, where they heal people with prayer. I was thinking to take my Dad there because I had no where to go. I never used to study the Bible those days, nor was I religious but I was not an ignorant fool either. The Bible, in Daniel and Revelation talks about a power that would Change God’s law and persecute the Saints and kill millions of TRUE Christians and will also sit in God’s place and claim to have the authority of God and the RC Church fits well into this. I am not against the people of any faith Judith, it’s the system that is against God. I believe there are far better Christians (in Roman Catholic church) who are true to what they believe than in my Church. So, there was a battle in my heart as to how to take my Dad there. In all this confusion, there was a small voice(not a literal one), asking me to submit my life totally to God. I can not pray for my Dad or for anyone, when I am willfully sinning against God. I had hit the rock-bottom anyway and I needed help. I told my family that we should submit our lives completely to God before doing anything. So, that day(about 3 years ago) I and my family prayed. But mine was more like moaning and submitting fully to God. It was like a statue of ice melting on the ground, totally humbling in front of my Creator. That day, I received life, while my father was losing life. 2 months later, my Dad died and I believe he died in Christ and will rise when Christ comes the second time. Through my father’s death, Christ gave me life. I offered my sinful life to God and by faith, Christ offered His righteousness to me. I decided to Stand for God and the first test was the Sabbath. I think you may know this that Sabbath is the Seventh day of the week and its Saturday. In my old life, I never used to keep the Sabbath but when my new life started, I couldn’t imagine to break the Sabbath. 24 hours is calculated from Sunset to sunset according to Genesis from Bible, so Friday when the Sun goes down, Sabbath, holy hours begin and the Bible is clear about we should not work on this day and to spend time worshiping Him. I approached my Team Leader with this request and I had already decided that I would leave my job if I did not get Sabbath off, for I did not want to eat the food that came out of breaking God’s law. I was willing to let go everything for Him but God gave it back. My Team leader agreed for this on a temporary basis and every week it’s a miracle for me to go early on Friday. I depend on God completely now and He has never failed me even once but I have failed a couple of times and have greatly regretted for doing so and I strive each day to be true to Him. All I have done here is given a reason for my Faith in Christ and I hope and believe you will understand my stand for God; for I saw no other way, except His way only.

Let me leave you with one last dream of mine. When my new life started, I had received a dream and I wish to believe it’s from God. In my dream, I see myself as a very long and tall man in front of the office, here in Bangalore. Very tall, almost twice the size of a coconut tree. I am shouting with a loud voice about the Truth that I have received to all and a few question and ask for a reason for my faith and I reason with them. Not sure how many accepted but I zealously go on with the message of God to all the people here.

When I woke up I shared this with my wife and friends and also desired that I should get an opportunity to share this Truth to the SDs/GPMs. Until now, I have shared this with Ross and Peter. I also desired that at least one SD or GPM should take a stand for God and the whole of T__ should witness the Testimony of Jesus. I knew it is a mountainous task but not for my Lord.  I leave this testimony with you, with a prayer in my heart and as always, may God bless you and your family Judith.


Richard Daniel

About The Glad Tidings

A bible student who wants to publish the defense of what he believes based on the word of God which he believes forms the foundation of what he believes.
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