I was Healed – Padmini Nallan

At the age of 6-7 I was very sick with stomach pain. My mother took me to many doctors but unfortunately the pain didn’t go. One day while I was playing I got heavy pain and felled unconscious but doctors said the diseases are imaginary, perhaps I heard someone talking about this disease and I am imagining to have the same.

Day after day the pain became more and more severe. My mother contacted a Hindu priest who claimed that he can heal me but demanded lot of money. He asked for chicken etc., to make sacrifice so that I can be healed. But the problem remained the same.

There is a Catholic church where I live and every day my mother used to go there to pray to the idol of Jesus on the cross. She made a promise that she will come everyday to pray for me so that I can be healed but still nothing happened. She was ignorant at that time as God says there is no other God and He is the only true God and creator of heaven and earth and we should not worship the idols.

One day my mother’s brother who is a Seventh day Adventist came home. He came to know the problem and asked my mother why she did not pray to JESUS for me and she answered that everyday she went the catholic church to pray. Uncle explained to her that it is only an idol but the living Jesus in heaven can heal me. He said God doesn’t ask for flowers or candles or anything else in order to heal me.

He said Jesus don’t need these things but only trust in him and have faith and everything will be alright, then he prayed for me, after that I felt a bit well. May be for half the day I was okay and then the pain started again. My mother took me to my uncle’s place so that he can pray for me. Again he prayed and after some days of prayers I WAS COMPLETELY HEALED BY MY LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST.

After that I started attending the church on every Sabbath along with my uncle, my other sisters also followed me in attending the church and then my Mother also joined the church. Now we all are very active SDA church members.

I am very active in my church since I started attending the church. I have got almost all responsibility in my church as deaconess  church secretary, health department, Sabbath school etc… and last year I was ordained as elder in my church. We are a happy family with Christ our Lord. Every Monday at 7 pm we hold a prayer meeting at my place where many people came to hear the word of God and one person got baptized last year. All Glory to our God. Jesus is everything to me my God, my friend, my saviour etc…

To all those who will read my testimony, always keep faith and our eyes upon Jesus. WHAT HE HAS DONE FOR ME HE CAN DO IT FOR EVERYONE WHO TRUST HIM. GIVE OUR LIFE TO JESUS, HE WILL CHANGE OUR LIFE. EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE FOR HIM. Amen

Padmini Nallan hails from Mauritius.

About The Glad Tidings

A bible student who wants to publish the defense of what he believes based on the word of God which he believes forms the foundation of what he believes.
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