From Hollywood to Heaven – Linda Caldwell

When I was age twenty-two, I worked in the cosmetic industry. I was flown to Hollywood to train as a Max Factor beauty consultant. It was supposed to be so glamorous. I could have gone far, but for some reason, I didn’t have any happiness in worldly success. It wasn’t me, something huge was missing in my life. I knew it I just didn’t know what it was.

One day, while on vacation, my next door neighbor handed me a book. It turned out to be a New Testament Living Bible, soft cover. I took it home not knowing what it was. I started reading it and I had a powerful conversion. I bawled when I met the Person of incredible love within the pages. I was born again and head over heels in love. I knew it, I could speak it, yet how did I know? You cannot know anything about it unless it actually happens to you. Then you start to know things supernaturally, things that are written in the Word, but it doesn’t come alive for you unless you have that rebirth. The words danced and vibrated on the pages as if the Words were alive. They are Living words they impart a new and living way!! Everything is changed. You live to please Him!!!!

My life was totally changed. I met Him, Messiah Yahushua (Jesus Christ)!!!! He was as real as anyone you can see or touch. He was alive, resurrected! He walked and talked with me. We had fun together, as best friends.

One day while coming home from work early, a big storm was approaching and my Volkswagon Beetle had problems with the distributor cap and if it got wet the car wouldn’t start. I was probably on my third distributor cap and the car was still practically brand new.
As I drove home, the clouds were filled with precipitation. It is a wonder they didn’t burst forth with heavy rain on me on the expressway in heavy traffic. I had never seen such heavy clouds threatening such heavy precipitation before that or since. The moisture seemed no higher than just a few feet overhead, pressing down thick, thick grey clouds.
I marveled that the clouds didn’t let go of all that heavy water overhead, but I had prayed I’d make it home safely considering my distributor cap problem. As I drove into the driveway, I still couldn’t believe in the natural world the clouds hadn’t burst. In the supernatural realm I had recently discovered, it didn’t surprise me as I knew I was greatly loved. As I left the car and started into the house a few drops fell on me. The precise moment I closed the door, the deluge came down and I smiled knowingly, I was spared beyond what I had asked for. I remember going to my room and praising Him for withholding the rain until I got home safely. It was a time of joy and laughter because I knew the Heavens were held back supernaturally in answer to my prayer before I left work!!!! These are the things Yahushua does for us, especially the little babes in the faith. He is actually fun to know. “Fun” is not a word you often hear in regards to Him, but I know there are others who have experienced His loving Protection so that you know there was nothing “coincidental” in the event.

If you have never read the New Testament (Brit Chadashah) I recommend it to you. It will change your life, lift your heavy burdens and recreate you and give you joy you can never have without it. He is real, He is alive, and He died for YOU!!!! Hallelu JAH!!!!

About The Glad Tidings

A bible student who wants to publish the defense of what he believes based on the word of God which he believes forms the foundation of what he believes.
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