Jesus Found me – Atul Mishra

Jesus is the Christ. He has pulled me out from the haze & grave with His mighty hand and an outstretched arm. I am witness.

I am from India. I was used to belong to Hindu & middle class Brahmin family. We were in a very huge debt. We were seeking help from our community, native relations, friends’ social circle, but no one supported us. Instead of help they used to mock on our troubles.

I was doing too much efforts with full of my senses even right and wrong. I was just frustrated and hopeless. I could not understand that what exactly is going on. But day by day situations were getting worst. I went too many Temples, many gods, goddess, astrologers, Hindu worshipers, Muslim worshipers (Karma Kandi, Tantarik, Babas Majars) even lastly we arranged “Maha Mritunjay Jap” for 7 days (to please Hindu’s  high god ) with some Pundits and all its formalities. But one another burdened of Rs. 50000 INR or USD $1000 (shared basis) came on us. Our total debts was about INR.25 lacs or USD $50000.

To clear our all the debts I did fraud & cheating. I don’t know how I came in that way but day by day we were losing control over our lives. We were in an unbroken haze. Even I could not imagine that it would ever be broken. I realized the hell on this earth.


Our creditors always used to threat us. No mercy from any side even gods or goddess or from man.  We become socially unwanted. Even we all the family members used to scare with the door bell or any loud sound. My heart was filled with the terror. I was forgotten to be happy. I have seen the total hope loss case. So I found suicide is the only solution which can lead me to the peace.

One day I decided to suicide. Because the very next day some one had to come for his dues to whom I had promised to pay. Our family maid (which was unpaid since 3-4 months) came to me and said “Brother come with me; I will take you to the place where every thing will become new and better”.

She took me to the (Methodist) Church to introduce Pastor Robert. He asked briefly all about us. While saying everything of my life to him suddenly I started weeping. He told me about the sin and said “The burden of sin is on you and on all of your family members. You all are totally affected by sin but from the day Lord Jesus has called you & all of you have been saved. He showed us the saying of Christ Jesus in Matthew 11: 28“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.“”.


I asked to him “can Jesus clear my all the loans?” He strongly replied “Yes” but if you believe in Jesus and don’t use your brain as Proverb 3 5 says “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding” I was nothing to say him because my heart was saying to believe at least once.

I came back and get down on my knees and lift up my hands to ask the Ruler of Heaven & Earth the Lord Jesus to forgive me and have mercy upon me according to his grace. Almost whole night I prayed with my tears. I got really Peace and strength. I was restored. Next day I was ready to face the problem but no one came. I thought that he would come another day but no one came. And in waiting it was passed 2-3 months but believe no one ever came. I was continuing with my Prayers and Bible readings thus my faith was getting stronger day by day.

I started searching a job. Soon I got a job in Hisar (Haryana-India). I was appointed as a manager in a famous steel company to manage for their two canteens and a club-Restaurant with approx 70 employees. I shifted there with my wife and my 6 months old daughter.

After passing 6-7 months one day an unknown person offered me to start a business with him as a Partner without of any investment. It was amazing me to receive such kind of proposal. This man was enjoying his party in the club restaurant when he offered me the business. He was drunken so I just thought a drunken one can offer any thing to any one.

After some days I got a SMS that my flight ticket is confirmed to the place where the person had offered me to work. It was really unbelievable & amazed! But it was true. My wife said “God can do anything” I went there and he gave me 15 lacs (30000$) and complete rights over his business as well (like Josef in Egypt). I again shifted there from North India to South India with my family and this time I also called my two brother and there families to shift with me and to enjoy with me. Believe Jesus is only worthy to be praised. He gave me his blessings & honor. Since 3 years have been passed in Jesus Christ and many borrowings have also been cleared.

I was not aware about the different Christian denominations so I joined a local Protestant Church. Here in this church I took my baptism after 3 years in Christ. But soon I realized that their teachings are not Biblical. To fill my Spiritual need I started searching on the internet and finally reached at the website . I was amazed to know about the Sabbath. No body ever told me about the Sabbath. Lots of Heavenly Lights began to flow within me. I was almost agreeing with the Sabbath and other beliefs of Amazing Facts Ministry. I stopped going to the protestant church and started self reading with the support of AF Ministry.  I am not a member of any Church right now but alone a non denominational Sabbath Keeper. However I am agreed with most of the beliefs of SDA and SDARM Church.  The Pastor Doug batchelor & Joe crew’s sermon have helped me a lot to restore in the right way. AF Ministry is really a gift from God to me. It would be my pleasure to work with this ministry.

I have completed one & half year (May 2010) by keeping the Sabbath Holy. During the one and half year I have again seen a total hope loss case. All left me alone because of the Sabbath and keeping the commandments of God. According to them I am lost and sinner. My company employee’s strength has also been fallen from 125 to 10. The Prince of demons has taken all my social & financial strength.

Revelation 12 17Then the dragon was enraged at the woman and went off to make war against the rest of her offspring—those who obey God’s commandments and hold to the testimony of Jesus. But God is the Planner of the planners  and I Thanks God who says in Isaiah 48:10 See, I have refined you, though not as silver; I have tested you in the furnace of affliction. So this time I know what exactly is going on. I am sure in Jesus soon the Lord will make me able to overcome.

I was in a great trial. I was getting day by day lower and lower in the Christ. Now I can understand the Christianity all about.  The Christianity means stopping lower in the Christ in stead of going higher in the Christ.  I do thanks to our most Blessed brother the Apostle  Paul that he has already said “We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed”. I am watching his words are being proven within me. I request you to all who read this testimony please pray for me especially for my financial strength . Because it is written two things do choke the words the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth (Matthew 13:22) and I do not want to losses my salvation for the sake of worldly treasures. For we have been purchased back for the eternity on high cost.

The 4th commandment has been an acid test for me so far since I started keeping it. I lost my 125 employees strength, fully mature business and came to another city (Sep 2010) in urgency, for I had to vacate the company house, which was allotted to me being a contractor. I had to shift in new city Bangalore, with unknown people. My financial position was very weak with my two dependents of daughter and wife. Till Dec 2010 all my attempts was fail to get a Job due to Sabbath. I feared to speak to my wife why I did not get a job, for she had started hating Christ because of my lowest living face of life in Christ.

One day I got a call from a non believer friend who was an employee ( V.P.) in the company where I was working as a contractor. His tour was in my city and was staying in a hotel. I went to meet him he told me request fully that he is having a 2 BHK house in same city and wants me to take care of it. He told me rent it out and take the rent till I need the house back. I was surprised I never thought of this. Very next day I got a tenant and the rent started coming monthly, which was sufficient for my family survival and me. Till Dec 2010- Aug-2011 God provided me. I also got some security amount through which I started a Restaurant in partnership. Unfortunately the restaurant was already in great loss before I become an another partner in it.  My partners were not in position to bear further investments therefore we had to close it just in two months.

My most time was spending on knee and reading the Scripture. But all my efforts to get a work were still in vain.Awesome is our living God who knows all our needs and fulfill it. Some of my TDS refunds were pending and they all came, except one, during Aug-2011 to Jan 2012 and my and my family needs got fulfilled.

I was jobless but not ready to compromise with the 4th commandment (Sabbath) and again I was without of money and work. I was just praying and mediating on the Scripture.  One day a godly man from USA told me “He is compelled by God to help me”. Amazingly he started weekly sending money from USA and since then he is continue and saying till you get a job I will send you the help.  Truly we serve an awesome living God; as Elijah fed by ravens I am also being fed by LORD’s appointed medium. As he had to live alone without work into cave, I have also to spend my days alone without work yet not in want.  For it is written, … “The LORD shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace.” and I witness it is true.  Since two and half months this godly man moved by God continue to help me during my trial in Christ. Regarding this I will update my testimony soon after once it will be matured. I was continuing to pray for my tithe to be accepted by God. Before that I used to give my tithe to any poor homeless or handicap people. But the Spirit of Christ told me to tithe in the right treasure. Since that godly person helped me a lot I wanted to give tithe to the LORD in the right treasure so God may accept and bless me. One day I got a message from the SDA Pastor whom I never met before. He was moved by the Spirit of God shown his interest to meet me in person. I was so pleased to hear from him for I was praying before the LORD to accept my tithe. He came in my house and we served him gladly. This time my wife and daughter were also very glad to serve him. Finally he accepted my tithe and prayed claming Malachi 3:10 for us. Amazingly on 2nd day I got a call for a big deal by the grace of Christ. It appears to me that the windows of heaven have been opened for me. I will update soon…. Praise the LORD!! He never disappoints to them who waits for HIM. We are serving the miraculous God.

He is the potter and we are clay Ellen.G. White says… “the potter takes the clay and molds it according to his will. He kneads it and works it. He tears it apart and presses it together. He wets it and then dries it.  He lets it lie for a while without touching it (and I remained into the same position for almost the 2 year).When it is perfectly pliable, he continues the work of making of it a vessel. He forms it into shape and on the wheel trims and polishes it. He dries it in the sun and bakes it in the oven. Thus it becomes a vessel fit for use. So the great Master Worker desires to mold and fashion us. And as the clay is in the hands of the potter, so are we to be in His hands.”

We server the living God and I witness not by reading but through my real experiences.  It is written..”For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” and I strongly believe in His promises.

O LORD the Father of Jesus Christ! You are Good and Your countless works are beyond human imagination. You lead us into Your path, and teach us Your eternal and perfect Laws to keep in reverence; so we may live forever! Our God is gracious and merciful!!!

“Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.

See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting”………………to be continued!

And thanks for reading the glory of  the God.  May God bless you and all yours;  and may the light of the face of the Almighty LORD be shine upon you and all yours in our Lord Christ Jesus name….. Amen!

About The Glad Tidings

A bible student who wants to publish the defense of what he believes based on the word of God which he believes forms the foundation of what he believes.
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